Sessions on May 23
Celebration of WMW’s 5 year anniversary
Networking Breakfast | Telemann Saal
Ariadne Baskin (GIZ / WMW)
Kristina Kebeck (City of Cologne)
Viviane Weinmann (GIZ / WMW)
Video Message | Weißer Saal
Svenja Schulze (Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development / BMZ)
Setting the Scene: Why we need Feminist Voices for gender-transformative planning (tbc)
Christine Toetzke (Director General Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Eastern/South Eastern Europe Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development / BMZ)
About women, all of us
Keynote Speech | Weißer Saal
Robin Chase (Tucows, Remarkable Feminist Voice in Transport 2023)
A living-room style conversation with the Remarkable Feminist Voices 2023
Morning Session 1 | Weißer Saal
Yasmine Al Moghrabi (Regional Youth Leader of Road Safety)
Robin Chase (Tucows, Remarkable Feminist Voice in Transport 2023) Keisha Mayuga (AltMobility)
Naomi Mwaura (Flone Initiative)
Cyprine Odada (Critical Mass Nairobi)
Andrea San Gil Leon (Center for Urban Sustainability, Agile City Partners) Sonal Shah (The Urban Catalysts)
Dr. Kalpana Viswanath (Safetipin)
UNEP BMZ Project (IKU) „E-Mobility as a Driver for Change – Towards a Gender Transformative and Just Transition to Electric Mobility“ and Global Working Group on “Women and Electric Mobility”
Official Launch | Weißer Saal
Annika Berlin (United Nations Environment Progamme / UNEP)
Christine Toetzke (Director General for BMZ / The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
12:15-13:00 Lunch Break
The Road to Equity: Navigating Intersectionality in Popular Transport
Afternoon Session 1 | Weißer Saal
Tom Courtright (Association for Electric Mobility & Development in Africa, Kenya)
Lorena Freitas (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy/ITDP Brazil)
Andrea San Gil Leon (Center for Urban Sustainability, Agile City Partners)
Naomi Mwaura (Flone Initiative)
Hear from Senator Crystal Asige, Disability Rights Activist from Nairobi, Kenya
Impulse Speech | Weißer Saal
Senator Crystal Asige (Kenyan Senate)
From Car to Care: Shifting the Paradigm of Urban Mobility Through the Lens of Care
Afternoon Session 2 | Weißer Saal
Lorena Freitas (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy / ITDP Brazil)
Aimee Gauthier (ITDP Global)
Cyprine Odada (Critical Mass Nairobi)
María Fernanda Ramírez Bernal (Despacio)
Anuela Ristani (Tirana Municipality)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Breakout Sessions:
Mapping Danger: The Use of Data for Safe Public Spaces and Transportation Systems
Breakout Session I Weißer Saal
Co-hosted by CAF
Iman A. Abubaker (WRI India)
Angie Palacios (CAF)
Bronwen Thornton (Walk21)
Kalpana Viswanath (Safetipin)
Just Workplaces and Jobs with a Focus on E-Mobility
Breakout Session II | Telemann Saal
Co-hosted by WRI
Annika Berlin (UNEP)
Tom Courtright (Association for Electric Mobility & Development in Africa)
Archana Chauhan (Convergence Energy Services Limited)
Gabriela de la Torre (WRI Mexico)
Importance of Gender Responsiveness for Climate and Social Resilience in Transport
Breakout Session III | Schumann Saal
Co-hosted by SLOCAT Partnership
Maruxa Cardama (SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport)
Urda Eichhorst (GIZ)
Emmanuel John (Ochenuel Mobility)
Sonal Shah (The Urban Catalyst)
Gender Imbalance in the Transport Sector: A Toolkit for Change
Sum4all Gender Working Group Report Presentation | Weißer Saal
By: Isobel Duxfield (POLIS Network)
The Way Forward – How to Implement and Finance Gender-Transformative Measures in the Urban Transport Sector?
Closing Session | Weißer Saal
Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid (African Union Commission)
Chiara Corazza (Representative for France within G20 EMPOWER; Member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council)
Insa Ilgen (GIZ / TUMI)
Lindsey Mancini (Senior Director Membership, Marketing and Services / UITP)
Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge (World Bank)
Sonal Shah (The Urban Catalyst)
Dr. Frank Weiler (KfW Development Bank)
Main Findings of the Day & Outlook ITF Summit 2023
Summary | Weißer Saal
Mary Crass (ITF)
Closing Words & Opening of the Reception
Telemann Saal